What is clear from these cases is that the courts take costs budgeting seriously. All issues are considered, but the most important in these three cases is proportionality. Proportionality isn’t just a case of comparing costs claimed with damages, and it’s vitally important that all the circumstances are drawn to the court’s attention.

HF Costs Team have secured substantial savings for Admiral Insurance in a trio of high value cases where the courts have made it clear to claimant solicitors that there is no place for excessive costs budgeting.
What is clear from these cases is that the courts take costs budgeting seriously. All issues are considered, but the most important in these three cases is proportionality. Proportionality isn’t just a case of comparing costs claimed with damages, and it’s vitally important that all the circumstances are drawn to the court’s attention.
The cases include:
Not just disproportionate, grossly disproportionate – the judge accepted our submissions and confirmed that “The costs budget advanced by the claimant in the sum of £837,556.80 is grossly disproportionate” and slashed it by 70%.
The not so humble lawyer – the judge reduced the budget by nearly £220,000 commenting that “If [the claimant’s solicitor] is as good as he thinks he is he should be working more quickly.”
Back to the drawing board – at the claimant expense – the Master was so unimpressed with the level of the claimant’s costs budget that he ordered them to go back to the drawing board and re-draft it. He then reduced the re-drawn budget by 60%.
Click here to read more.
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