Landlords be aware – 10% uplift in damages can apply to breach of repairing covenant
The Court of Appeal has held that the 10% uplift in the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act...
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Our real estate litigation specialists are experienced in all types of disputes relating to property and land for both commercial and individual clients.
They act for landlords, tenants, landowners, and developers, providing specialist, tailored advice to meet their needs.
The team can act on all matters that could occur between parties involved in a lease, putting the emphasis in the fact that those involved often need and want to continue to work together after resolution. Our wide ranging areas of expertise include:
Legal issues on developments can cause delays which cost money and therefore reduce profit. Our focus is on acting as practically as possible for the right outcome for our clients. The broad expertise of our team include:
Land is (usually) your most valuable asset. We work with our clients to protect and preserve the value and quality of their land. The team’s areas of expertise cover a broad range, including:
Being involved in any kind of legal claim is unpleasant and stressful. You’re looking for a fast, accurate and efficient legal service. Our specialist lawyers have over 20 years’ experience of all types of disputes relating to property and land. Whatever your situation, you can rely on our experience, knowledge and tenacity to ensure that you achieve the right outcome.
For expert legal advice from real people in our specialist teams, get in touch – we look forward to hearing from you.
The Court of Appeal has held that the 10% uplift in the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act...